Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Support Us

Dear our beloved visitors we glad you keep visit us everyday and entire of them say that our website is useful. To keep our website online p... thumbnail 1 summary
Dear our beloved visitors we glad you keep visit us everyday and entire of them say that our website is useful. To keep our website online please support us with these ways:

1. Share
If  you find the latest music only in this website don't be hesitate share it to your friend in Facebook, twitter, Google+ , forums, and whatever with your favorite way.  Immediately, you told to your friend about our website and definitely our website becomes known by them. We often share "What we did just now" in Facebook, you also can share it. That manner can increase our fan in Facebook. This mean, keep download and visit anime-mp3 also can help us so much

2. Donate (Donation via Paypal currently disable, my account limited)
Pada dasarnya, kami memerlukan $112 / bulan, hal ini karena kami menggunakan sambungan internet dengan kecepatan yang mengagumkan agar file lebih cepat diunggah dan akan membuat kalian lebih cepat mendapatkan file kami. Dengan biaya tersebut kami akan menggunakan VPS dan membeli akun premium untuk filehosting, namun begitu masih banyak keperluan lain yang tidak mungkin kami sebutkan satu persatu-satu di halaman ini. Saya akan berusaha untuk menjadi orang pertama yang mengunggah file di internet, semua itu saya lakukan demi kalian dan karena kerjasama kita yang terjalin baik. Saya berharap dapat melayani anda dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Jika kamu setuju website kamu berguna dan memberikan begitu banyak keceriaan, jadi lah seorang deramawan sekarang.
Basically, we need $112 / month, in this case we use the internet connection within amazing speed so that file faster uploaded and will make you more quickly get our files. With all that cost, we will hire VPS and buy account premium for file hosting, anyway there is plenty requirement that impossible to mention in this page one by one. I will try the best to become first uploader files on the internet, that's all for the sake of the best service for you guys and here we are in good cooperation. I hope to serving you in the long term, as long as I can. If you agree our website useful and give you so much fun,  be a generous man now.

My account paypal limited,
I only have webmoney (Z323347642285)

Indonesia Only:
Karena banyak pengunjung situs kami tidak memiliki akun paypal, maka bagi nasabah bisa mentraktir kami di nomor rekening BNI 0115220018 (Irwan Syah) dengan kode bank 009 (BNI). Setelah donasi, konfirmasi ya. Jadi ntar saya tulis di daftar donatur. Cara konfirmasinya, bisa lewat fanpage atau chat saja denga saya lewat YM. Setiap hari saya online kog.

3. Become our Referrals

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